Saturday, February 15, 2014


When David and I found out we were pregnant, we figured out pretty quickly that we no longer qualified for the family trip to Beijing in June for Paul's HS Graduation. Seeing how we were going to be missing out on our big trip for 2014, we thought it would only be fitting to take a different trip before I got too big - thus the babymoon plans were born!

After a lot of research and comparing hotels, locations etc, we finally settled to leave over the first week of February to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. We booked our stay at the all-inclusive Hard Rock Hotel and anxiously awaited our escape from the snow! In fact, the week prior to our departure, we did get a little snow in Carson, which just made the sunshine that much sweeter :)

Traveling to Punta Cana is a little more difficult than traveling to Mexico as we first had to fly to SFO, have a layover there, then take the red-eye to Newark. Then we flew from there to Punta Cana. Thankfully, both David and I slept pretty well on the flights! The airport in Punta Cana has a roof that looks almost like it was made from straw and it is basically an open-air airport with big fans on the ceiling, keeping things cool. There was also live music, which was kind of fun. After a slight debacle trying to find our ride to the hotel, we finally made it and were checked in. Oh, the beach and pools were a glorious sight, but our first goal was to get some food in our bellies!! We made our way over to the pizza place and enjoyed our first meal there! Then we enjoyed taking a loooong relaxing nap. Believe me, this was the BEST vacation for a pregnant girl. All we really did was sleep in, lay by the pool or beach, eat lots of food, read books and take naps. I couldn't have asked for a better vacation than this!

Here are a few (ok, maybe more than a few) pictures of our time in paradise.

The nice guy at the airport helping us find our ride

I had to take a picture of the bump, since the vacation was all about her!

Our awesome room!!

David on the beautiful beach

I love this man

We love each other

He was sad that no one was there to pass him a basketball

He was sad that his brother and sister-in-law decided to not join us

Every plate of mine was at least 3/4 full of fruit!

This was the best beach we've ever been on!

Enjoying our first day on the beach!

His lemonade had alcohol and tasted gross

Loving hanging out in the pool

Ghetto $10 glasses broke

The main building behind me

Part of the resort

They had all sorts of cool displays

David with some famous person's motorcycle

A sparkly limo! I obviously needed a picture with it

Us in the sun. We don't turn the same color in the sun ;)

This is obviously the only kind of picture I had the "time" to take

Handsome husband in the pool

We loved the pools

David convinced me to get up early the last morning to catch the sunrise

Us and the sunrise

He's my whole world!
It was a fantastic trip and I am so lucky to be married to my best friend who really knows how to spoil me!! We were sad to leave, knowing that this would be our last trip like this for a long, long time. But we're so excited for the adventures ahead of us as our family grows!


  1. I love this. The beaches look amazing! And I'm so glad you have a kind husband who spoils you.

  2. What a fun trip! It gets really hard to travel with kids once they come so it's a good thing you guys are taking advantage. Love the sunrise pics!

  3. What a great trip! And very well deserved. The pictures are awesome. I'm glad you two had such a good trip before you have kids.
