Saturday, October 11, 2014

Baby Toes

Well, I guess it has been a long time (again) since I last used this blog! Since my last post my belly became huge, I had Maddie, I went on maternity leave, went back to work and now Maddie is 4 months old. And boy, what a great 4 months this has been!

Big belly!
Madison Elva Webb was born on June 6th at 7:26 AM after 16 hours of labor. She weighed 8lbs 11oz, measured 20.5 inches long and had a head size in the 98th percentile. Yes, I said NINETY-EIGHTH percentile! She didn't cry right away so they were worried about her breathing, but it turns out she was just fine. I think she was probably just taking it all in!

Minutes after she was born
Our little Madison is so sweet. She is a good sleeper and started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks old. She took to nursing like a champ. She is definitely a daddy's girl and lights up with a huge smile whenever she sees David, and David is definitely wrapped around her little finger.

The cute daddy-daughter duo
I've been loving this 4 month old stage. Maddie is so much fun! She loves to talk to herself and we will often hear her in her crib in the mornings, just talking away. When we go in to see her she always greets us with big smiles and is in a completely different position than we left her the night before! She is becoming a drool queen which makes me think that she's probably starting to teeth. She loves to reach for and play with her toys and is learning to put everything in her mouth. She's working on rolling and can go from back to front pretty well, but gets stuck when she's on her tummy. She is definitely a water baby and has loved bath time from the very start! But I think my favorite thing right now is that she's discovering her feet! I love when babies find their feet for the first time, I just think it's so cute, and it's even cuter now that it's my own daughter.

The toes have been found!

Getting better at tummy time!
David and I are loving being Madison's parents and we feel so blessed that she is ours! And of course, Maddie and I are both really lucky girls to have David in our life. He is such a great husband and dad.

I'm going to try my best to update this blog more frequently, but I think I say that every time I update this blog! But now I have a cute baby to take pictures of and write about, so maybe this time I'll actually follow through. I guess only time will tell! :) 


  1. What a great post. What a great time in Maddie's life. Cute, cute pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cute pictures and so fun to see her grow up!
