Sunday, November 9, 2014

5 Months Old!

Little Miss Madison turned 5 months old on Friday! I can't even believe it. Everyone warned me when she was born that time would just fly by, and boy are they right! David and I are absolutely loving this stage and loving being able to watch her learn and develop so much, it is just so much fun.

Right now she is really good at rolling from her tummy on to her back, and every time we set her down for tummy time she will immediately roll over. She loves putting her feet in her mouth, can be entertained by her play mat toys for forever it seems and loves to take her binki out of her mouth and try to put it back in, though she usually gets it in the wrong way ;) She's such a happy girl and is always smiling! I'm fully convinced that she doesn't know how to smile without opening her mouth wide open, but that makes us just love her cute smiles even more! She does chuckle sometimes but she still makes us work pretty hard to get any out of her. She loves to be sitting up but still has no balance for it, and I can tell that she's starting to want to grab things enough that it's giving her motivation to move, so we'll see how long it take for her to start scooting. She is still a big fan of bath time and gets really excited to see the bath tub filling up with water. She's getting more hair on her head but you can barely tell since it's so incredibly blonde! I did notice a cowlick the other day on the right side of the back of her head and I was so proud of her for having enough hair to form a cowlick! Haha!

I took her 5 month old pictures today and wanted to share some of them with you!

She's looking up at David in this picture. I just love how much she loves her daddy!

Smiling at her daddy again :)

Such pretty blue eyes!

Our little baldy is getting so big!!

A few weekends ago David and I drove out to Idaho to spend some time with his family and meet the two newest cousins. It was a crazy trip travel wise and we've decided that we can't make that trip again unless we can stay for AT LEAST 48 hours before we have to drive back. Of course, I'm pretty sure we've said that every time we've made these crazy weekend trips, so there's a good chance we'll be caught doing this again in the future. Haha! For this trip we drove through the night on Friday, getting in to his parent's house at about 4AM. Moving Maddie from the car to the house woke her up and she didn't go back to sleep until 5, which means Dave and I also didn't get to sleep until 5. I'd say we're definitely not the young kids we used to be, but let's be honest, even when we were young kids neither of us were very good at staying up late. We had a great time seeing his family, though, so it was worth it! And Maddie loved being with her cousins!

As every first time mom, I have tons of pictures of Maddie on my cell phone, so I'll just stop "talking" and dump the pictures here for your viewing pleasure. I hope you enjoy!

Always so cute and happy

She finds the bath faucet to be captivating

It's captivating, I tell ya!

Our little fish, so happy in the bath. And she obviously needed a modesty bikini for the picture ;)
Sitting in the space shuttle at the children's museum

Parent fail caught on camera

Maddie at Grandma Webb's house with cousin Mckinley!

She wasn't so sure about cousin Samantha

After driving all night you're bound to have moments like this

I think Maddie really pulls off the 'fro quite nicely ;)

All of the cousins! Can you find our cute owl?

Having some grandpa time :)

Maddie with her Aunt Rhyannon
Maddie with cousins Colton and Samantha. I love the face she's making! It's so funny to me
I don't know how to rotate this picture...

She's always playing with her binki, trying to figure out how to get it back into her mouth

No so sure about this solid food situation!

All cozy for the cold weather!

Love those big open mouth smiles!!

These two make my heart melt

Maddie is really absorbing her books these days

This is the only place she wants to be when her tummy hurts

I love this happy girl!
Alright, I guess that's enough pictures of Maddie for now, though believe me, I have tons more I could share. Haha!

With Love,



  1. How fun! She really is growing up fast. How has it already been 5 months? I love the smiles she gives her dad. What a pretty girl you have.

  2. She is so cute. I loved the bathtub photos and the smiling at daddy and how she studies her binkie. What a fun age. You're making me excited to have a little one again!
